In accordance with Journal Poetry Day here is a poem I found today. It was written years ago in mockery of a writing assignment given to me in a Creative Writing class, calling for a rhyming poem:
One day in Malibu,
there was a well-to-do Pikachu.
Out of the blue, he took a poo.
Then he pulled a switcheroo.
From his point of view, playing peek-a-boo
was a no can do.
He got a past due tattoo of Winnie the Pooh.
He met a voodoo kangaroo with a see-through muumuu.
And as they walked two by two,
Pikachu said "cock-a-doodle-doo."
And the kangaroo said "I love you."
They got married at a barbecue on Buckaroo Avenue.
Then they had a secret rendezvous where they had a good screw.
Later on they both showered and had a shampoo,
of Super Glue and doggie-doo.
The kangaroo outgrew Pikachu, kicked his ass,
and left him black and blue.
The moral of this story, through and through:
is that out of the blue, that stinkaroo, the kangaroo...
turned out to be a bugaboo.
And Pikachu didn't want no scrubs.
One day in Malibu,
there was a well-to-do Pikachu.
Out of the blue, he took a poo.
Then he pulled a switcheroo.
From his point of view, playing peek-a-boo
was a no can do.
He got a past due tattoo of Winnie the Pooh.
He met a voodoo kangaroo with a see-through muumuu.
And as they walked two by two,
Pikachu said "cock-a-doodle-doo."
And the kangaroo said "I love you."
They got married at a barbecue on Buckaroo Avenue.
Then they had a secret rendezvous where they had a good screw.
Later on they both showered and had a shampoo,
of Super Glue and doggie-doo.
The kangaroo outgrew Pikachu, kicked his ass,
and left him black and blue.
The moral of this story, through and through:
is that out of the blue, that stinkaroo, the kangaroo...
turned out to be a bugaboo.
And Pikachu didn't want no scrubs.