I've been sick for the past two days. anything I eat or drink makes my tummy churn, in agonizing pain.
Today I will be all alone trying to rest for my trip to Canada tomorow.
I'm so nervous I have never been on a plane by myself, with a connecting flight, in which I only have half an hour to find the other boarding gate. Im also nervous I'm going to freeze and have to bring my toes home in a jar.
Today I will be all alone trying to rest for my trip to Canada tomorow.
I'm so nervous I have never been on a plane by myself, with a connecting flight, in which I only have half an hour to find the other boarding gate. Im also nervous I'm going to freeze and have to bring my toes home in a jar.
You will be alright at the airport.
They have little "cart stops" where you can hitch a ride on little golf cart thingys that will drive you around.
And they have these futuristic "moving sidewalks" so it's like your running but your really only walking or it's like your walking but your really just standing there. They really blow my mind. So if you have a half hour, it's really like having an hour since there are "moving sidewalks" and it kind of alters time.
And they have a bunch of Starbucks there and pretty much all of them are sold out of caramel apple cider. And if you do find one that will sell you a caramel apple cider, they are in fact actually sold out and won't give you a refund because you don't have the receipt that they never gave your so they have to call another starbucks and have them deliver the apple cider stuff to them and then they can make it. But the caramel apple cider is good.
And it isn't even cold here in Canada. It's only -20 degrees celsius. (-28 with the wind chill). I didn't even wear a jacket it was so warm.
And you won't have to bring your toes home in a jar. I'll bring the jar of your toes home.