Hey all!
The last couple of days have been all about the fun with summer.
On orange wednesday we went to see Memoirs of a geisha which was alot better than expected, but why do uncultured idiots say geisha like geeesha..so annoying! Anyway it was excellent despite me now having a crush on the chairman
Last nights trip underwear shopping in tescos took a strange turn before we had even set off when all of a sudden i heard "Nickeeee theres a naked man!!!" unsuspectingly i looked up to see a completly naked old man wondering around on his landing in front of his window! eew took a while to recover from that...we were still walking around tescos half an hour later in fits of laughter!
I tried to get summer to take some new pics of me today but just couldnt take it seriously..that girl is a nazi behind the camera!
Lots of Love
me xxx
The last couple of days have been all about the fun with summer.

On orange wednesday we went to see Memoirs of a geisha which was alot better than expected, but why do uncultured idiots say geisha like geeesha..so annoying! Anyway it was excellent despite me now having a crush on the chairman

Last nights trip underwear shopping in tescos took a strange turn before we had even set off when all of a sudden i heard "Nickeeee theres a naked man!!!" unsuspectingly i looked up to see a completly naked old man wondering around on his landing in front of his window! eew took a while to recover from that...we were still walking around tescos half an hour later in fits of laughter!
I tried to get summer to take some new pics of me today but just couldnt take it seriously..that girl is a nazi behind the camera!

Lots of Love
me xxx
aww! Cute! your pics are funfunfun! muah! byebye!

i'm beginging to belive you might be real