So Sunday I hung out with Silverstreak and her Man, and Dejajeva it wuz kewl...and it got me outta my house to meet new people
that there's a feat in and of itself. Tonight was my weekly Karaoke night at the local dive. After Sin City, I was in a swing/jazz mood so I did me some Cherry Poppin Daddies. I also ran into a female friend of mine who is fairly newly single....I'm gonna assume that I have no chance with her, but (as is my way) I will still try my damndest to hook up with her...maybe not right away, I don't wanna be the rebound, but we'll I said, I probly have no chance anyway. I also Dyed my hair sunday, after my Dad sort of freaked out because I have more Gray hair than him...I decided it was time. I didn't go the crazy color route, I chickened out of that (as is also my way). Besides, I'm getting that urge to look for a new job as I don't feel like I'm as well paid as I need to be.

What kind of job are you going to look for?