Quick update:
1. I'm broke, somehow overspent this week, luckily I get paid tomorrow
2. One of my favorite bands, Sponge, is coming to town friday and it's only $5 to see them
3. Thursday is St. Patrick's day, show us Irish some lovin'
4. I gotta do some stuff that I don't wanna, and it's bumming me out....but I gotta do it....update on that later
~End Communication~
1. I'm broke, somehow overspent this week, luckily I get paid tomorrow
2. One of my favorite bands, Sponge, is coming to town friday and it's only $5 to see them

3. Thursday is St. Patrick's day, show us Irish some lovin'
4. I gotta do some stuff that I don't wanna, and it's bumming me out....but I gotta do it....update on that later
~End Communication~

Take off an article of clothing for me a O'Sullivans! Or just have a shot, whatever. Tell everyone I say Hi and that they better HAVE FUN or else I'll send Balinese rangdas (witch-demons) after them! Bye, talk to ya in a week.