So yesterday was the 5 year anniversary of me working in the same place. It's funny, when I started, I never thought I'd still be there...and now...I can't really see myself going anywhere else anytime soon. I have no motivation for change.....ahh well, still being tormented by my crush....she's over at my house a majority of the week to play a game I have on my Gamecube. I can't tell if she's just friendly or sux.......... She's still dating someone else, and she's becoming a pretty good friend so I don't want to ruin that and approach her about my feelings....but it's hard.....feelings suck!
Oh yeah! it's my B-day this saturday, big 24....hope it doesn't suck....
P.S to all my friends, sorry I've been quiet on the posting lately, been struggling with alot. Hope to change it very soon.
Oh yeah! it's my B-day this saturday, big 24....hope it doesn't suck....
P.S to all my friends, sorry I've been quiet on the posting lately, been struggling with alot. Hope to change it very soon.
You should drink lots of boooze
But if you feeel siiiick
Don't puke on your shooes