See, man. This was a sunny week on Monday, but I couldn't possibly have it so smooth all week long. Watching the elementary band program take a back seat to extra class projects- especially three weeks before the holiday concert- after being told repeatedly that it wouldn't effect them.... ugh-
It's all so frustrating. Next week is Thanksgiving- one of the most fake holidays in this country- and two more days missed of school. How do we ever accomplish anything with these schedules? One of my schools has missed so much with these bleedin holidays that the kids can't even remember when to bring in their instruments.
Gotta play a punk party weekend. Thank god.
It's all so frustrating. Next week is Thanksgiving- one of the most fake holidays in this country- and two more days missed of school. How do we ever accomplish anything with these schedules? One of my schools has missed so much with these bleedin holidays that the kids can't even remember when to bring in their instruments.
Gotta play a punk party weekend. Thank god.
who is Eleanor?
i will email you later!