As my last blog says I got my penis pierced and have learned there is a lot more to it then I knew. First no sex for at least 2 months, 2 fucking months , that's 1440 hrs , 86,400 min. Not only no sex but the first couple of hard on's is going to be uncomfortable. I still have not had full wood since the piercing and don't know how much longer I can make it but it won't be long. Also no jerking off either, this is going to be a long tough 2 months. I also have to soak my dick in salt water each day for 10 min to help healing, it was fun at first but just getting to be boring now. The good part is I do get to talk about my dick a lot now which I love to do and if people want to see show off my new jewelry so there is some fun to it but after the 2 months are up I plan on having a lot more fun. Well I will keep everyone updated on my penis situation as things evolve.
im getting a vch.. ill be in a similar boat. >_<.. but i wants it sooooooo bad!
I'm only three days in and because I can't I want to have sex sooooooo bad. This is going to be a loooong two months Ugggg.