This is my favorite web site out there, however THE CHIVE is a close second. They have funny pics and videos plus some sexy ladies. However my favorite part is the RAK ( random acts of kindness ) where you do something nice for a stranger and just tell them to pay it forward. I love this idea that chivers have started and I think...
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I <3 The Chive!
I really want another tattoo..... I feel like I am going through withdraw........ It's been over a year since my last tattoo......
I find myself in an unfortunate situation. I have a great cat , before him I did not like cats, and I have to move but because of certain circumstances I can not take him with me. It breaks my heart but I have to do what is best for my kids. I am trying to find a good home for him but having a...
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I find myself in an unfortunate situation. I have a great cat , before him I did not like cats, and I have to move but because of certain circumstances I can not take him with me. It breaks my heart but I have to do what is best for my kids. I am trying to find a good home for him but having a...
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Ya know I'm so crazy and wild I read magazines from back to front

So do I; )
I'm watching Chelsea Lately and she had a great line about most stuff in life. " it does not matter how many times you get rejected you only need one to say yes, then the rest can go f@#k themselves" Thank you for that one Chelsea, thank you...
I get migraines about once a month. I have had them all my life and besides the pain and loosing the entire day sleeping it really fucks things up. I have seen doctors all my life with no answers. Problem now is I am in a job where there is no back up for me and my work counts on me to be there and...
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Back to work after back surgery and this sucks ass...........
Sending healing positive vibes your way
I got a new laptop today and is it me or is windows 8 a mindfuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's like a computer and phone software all mixed up just to fuck with you.
I had urgent lower lumbar surgery to fix a bulging disk that was putting pressure on a nerve. I seen the nurosurgon tues, had pre ops done wed, and surgery thurs......it hurts pretty bad but i have a lot of cramping in my legs which worries me....
really hope you are okay!!

Has anyone seen the nerd compition show ? If so does anyone else think the girl with the pink hair is hot ?