Hrmmmm..i haven't updated in quite sometime, probly cause nothing ever happens to me other than work. We had our last stripper party at the house Friday night, something of a dud, lazy strippers and cheap onlookers, but everyone was extremely wasted. Except for me.
And of course I spent the weekend cleaning the house, most of my evening today was spent steam cleaning the carpet. I feel sorry for my roommates when they no longer have me to clean up after them, they shall live in filth. So now i'm busy packing up the stuff, I get to go live in a camper in my buddies backyard for the next two months while i'm wwaiting to move back to NC. I'm getting nostalgic and all misty eyed already. So that should be fun, i'll be a fuckin PIkey for two months. Wow this is becoming quite the long entry. I just picked up a fifty pack DVD of classic horror movies today at Best Buy for $28 buckaroos, pretty sweet deal, just watched Carnival of Souls, now it's time to watch Atom Age Vampire, by myself btw, such a loser. OH yeah last thing, go get As I Lay Dyings new album "Shadows are Security", it's purdy darn nifty.

Hey check this site out ..It's pics form the Ozzfest show I went to...Just click on the bands name & a shitload of killer pics will come up !!
Stripper partys ....sounds like fun
Carnival of Souls....a classic!
Edit....fuck...the link won't work...i'll try it again later
[Edited on Jul 18, 2005 2:52PM]
try thisozzfest pics
[Edited on Jul 18, 2005 3:04PM]