My friend DJ died today, basically in my arms. It was a beautiful sunny day, we all went out riding our motorcycles. On our way home, not even three miles away he failed to turn at a curve, he never put on brakes just went straight. His bike hit some gravel and his body went into a pole, I rushed over to him, telling him it was ok, asking if he could hear me, but he wasn't there. His eyes were squinted open, one was staring straight and the other was rolled back. A lady stopped who was a nurse, she told me to undo his chinstrap so she could check his pulse, he had one for about a minute or two, then she said it was gone and I needed to take off the helmet so she could do CPR. He never came back, the doctors at the hospital said he was dead on impact, that he didn't suffer. I just can't get the memory of his eyes out of my head, just staring up into the sky but not looking at anything. It's all to surreal, we're invincible at this age, nothing can stop us, that's what most people think, this just shatters that. I guess I just needed to write this to let it out in some way, there are no tears and all I want is solitude, but maybe this will help some. Dennis Bowen was a good man, and the world will be at a loss without him, Rest in Peace brother.
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THANKS for the fantastic compliment!
How are you doing-are you home from service? What'sthe deal?