Im sooo pissed at the power company. I got a bill in the mail yesterday for $288.76. There is no way my bill is that high. I live in a 900 sf. apt. I have no central heating and air, I have no dishwasher, I have no washer/dryer and my hot water is provided by my landlord. My average bill is between $65 and $100. I called the power company and they said they would send someone out to re-read the meter. Well, I went down and read the meter myself (digital) and I would assume the Sept. 2 reading was correct because it was 11903 on the bill and its at 12148 now. With that said my average kWh usage over the last five days comes to an average of 49 kWh. Please note I have not adjusted my power at all. They are trying to tell me on the bill that my average usage was 104 for the month of August. CLEARY there is a problem. So I called them up and tried to explain this information to them and they said they had to wait on the reading. But the reading will be right. I suspect the August reading was wrong. So here is my question to you. If they say that the September reading was right (and I dont know how they would go back and reread the August numbers) is there anything I can do to dispute this? Has anyone out there been through this crap before, cause I have a bad feeling they are going to say they cant adjust this because the September reading is accurate. hmmm. Sorry to rant but I am FLAMING mad.
Other than that everything has been rather boring. Ive been trying save money (which this doesnt help) so I can move so I havent done a damn thing. Oh, but things will be good next month!

Other than that everything has been rather boring. Ive been trying save money (which this doesnt help) so I can move so I havent done a damn thing. Oh, but things will be good next month!

she just moved to the states from new zealand, but i cant imagine her peying for porn.