i saw star wars 3 for the 3rd time yesterday with my friend autumn which was her first time seeing it . she liked it , thou she had alot of the same questions about missing plot lines , why mon mothra wasnt in the movie even thou she has a new action figure, why kenobi called skywalker a brother even thou we dont know why hes regarded so closely like a brother thou skywalker comes off as a total ass. its weird how still alot of people are watching it and i prob get more of a kick just watching the first outerspace battle against grievous and dooku and then the climatic scene with kenobi and skywalker then yoda and palpatine . ill prob take my mom to watch it . i got the great rocknroll swindle movie on dvd . this movie is the biggest piece of shit ive ever seen but it has its moments , the motorcycle scene with sid vicious is hilarious , and the rampant sex scenes with steven jones is just hysterical . dont buy it , steal it or borrow it . my mom tested negative for breast cancer which is good . im just working and painting as always . still filming at night . was thinking of buyng a mini motorcycle and taping a dvd camcorder to the handle bars and filming as i ride around the town .
I knwo I would go!