just came back from Michigan and I missed one of my flights (first time flying) was supposed to go from Farmington NM to Phoenix then to Chicago then to Lansing Michigan. I missed my Flight at Phoenix and had to go to San Fransico then to Chicago and I was $h!tting brick the whole time. I just got back from there, flying back was a...
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sounds like a whole lot of bad luck, sorry
Heading out to Hobbs NM and going to overhaul a gas tubine, I should be swimming in cash in 2 weeks $$$$.
the picture she posted on her blog that you did from her newest set is effin' amazing!!!! i would SOOOO get a tattoo of that!!!!! ^_^
You can find more of my art work here at DeviantArt. Most of the Pics are at higher resolution too, and thanks for liking the pic, really thats the only reason I do art, so people can get a kick out of it.


I have not done any art work for SG because my computer went down. I had to order some parts, take my laptop all apart to the fan, grease the fan, replace the keyboard reinstall Windows 7 and redownload all my programs. I'm glad I had all my files backed up. I taught my self how to fix computers because I think geek squad is...
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Loved the art you did of Lyxzen