This spring fever business is getting out of hand. The weather in NYC has been absolutely perfect for about a week. It's startling just how much that raises my spirits. I mean, it's no mystery that sunny days make me feel better than gloomy days, but the degree of improvement is ridiculous.
The peas and lettuce continue to thrive. The one piece of bad news is that there's going to be some maintenance work on our side of the building starting next week, but that shouldn't be too big a deal.
Here's a picture of me eating a pickle.

The peas and lettuce continue to thrive. The one piece of bad news is that there's going to be some maintenance work on our side of the building starting next week, but that shouldn't be too big a deal.
Here's a picture of me eating a pickle.

Furthermore, I need to hear your firsthand scouting report on the astoria beergarten - I was supposed to go last year, never made it. seems too "goot" to be true. (Im wacky with my german humor).