I lost my book in the damn bus!
Also... Ive got an inportant question:
Why... when you are alone... is it so hard to find a nice girl?
And why... when youve got a girl... do so many girls want you?
Im hanging around with a cutie and one of the girls I so desire began to call me... why is this girl calling me?????????'
Im listening to LOW... Bowie is so fucking GREAT!
I lost my book in the damn bus!
Also... Ive got an inportant question:
Why... when you are alone... is it so hard to find a nice girl?
And why... when youve got a girl... do so many girls want you?
Im hanging around with a cutie and one of the girls I so desire began to call me... why is this girl calling me?????????'
Im listening to LOW... Bowie is so fucking GREAT!
A sweet boy like you... Of course you've got the girls after you.