Hi people
Im back
Sometimes its so difficult to write in this journal...
since my spiders death... I can notice how much I miss it
Its name was Hieronymus Bosch.. it was a "caranguejeira"... a gigantic and furry brazilian kind of tarantula from Amazonia... It was so old that was getting bald... it was the size of a womans hand
And I just noticed that I never took any pics of it
Do you wanna see how does it look like?
Click here
Im back
Sometimes its so difficult to write in this journal...
since my spiders death... I can notice how much I miss it
Its name was Hieronymus Bosch.. it was a "caranguejeira"... a gigantic and furry brazilian kind of tarantula from Amazonia... It was so old that was getting bald... it was the size of a womans hand
And I just noticed that I never took any pics of it
Do you wanna see how does it look like?
Click here
he/she had a pretty name
Cherry xox