Sorry I haven't been on here in awhile. Lots of things have been happening in my life!
I finally got out of a relationship that wasn't right for me. I'm sad, relieved, and trying to figure out who I am again. I knew the end was coming, so I've been planning on getting a puppy to help me cope with living alone again.
Her name is Xena, and she just turned 3 months old on Friday!
She's made my life so much better, I already don't know what I would do without her!

Cute puppy. ..animals help fill the void.there wonderful for the mind and heart.My boy Jake just turned 7months!! He's awesome so glade his in my life...just like a child... Hope you'res is helping out and keeping you strong and motivated. ..only tI'm will tell!! Can't wait to see your next master piece!!!

You are so hot it hurts! I cannot believe how beautiful you are.