I really owe you all a proper blog! My life has been crazy, I promise to tell you all about it as soon as I have time! What does everyone think of the new site? I love it, although I'm still getting used to it!
I hope life's been crazy in a good way. :D Despite a lot of people, especially old people like me, bitching and moaning and planning to leave, I've gotten used to it pretty quickly, though I didn't like it at first and have turned the brightness down on my monitor. This is the biggest site transformation I remember and there have been virtually no issues with servers or site availability, which is pretty amazing. The foundation is solid, so now they can focus on squashing bugs and adding bells and whistles back in.
For me as an organized person, the site is a bit difficult to get used to. I always tried to keep the My Feed part clean. (read it, comment it, delete it), but it seems that isn't an option anymore?