I had so much fun last weekend at Electric Forest!!!

The line up was SICK!

The forest was magical!

I made some AMAZING new friends!

I even met a boy! I'm feeling quite smitten <3

Definitely the first person I've met who can compete with me in the crazy outfit department!
Overall, this sums up my weekend
So Friday the sg instagram reposted one of my pics! (@gunnersuicide if you're not already following me <3)

I was ELATED! Totally made my day!!!
I did, however, get some interesting comments!
For example:
maiseyhicken The background looks creepy
randiecat88 Pretty girl, cleAn your room though chica. :/
__eaglesleague Living like a hamster
motaalina Pretty girls always have filthy rooms...
budsyralli Someone needs to clean their space
britdougsi Why is the room trashed???
Do you really think this is my room? Seriously??? Look at the crazy walls! It's the attic of Bossy Grrl's Pin-up Joint where my burlesque troupe, Sex Kitten Purr-lesque, performs. Last May I did a photo shoot for Outlook Magazine
. The instagram pic was taken upstairs where we were all getting ready!
Another common comment was:
husjojola Thick
saucybawls I don't like her stomach tattoo at all. She would also look sexier if she toned up.
dethtrap @cocopuffs1985 sorry for having an opinion. She is thick, get over it. Look at her other pictures. We're not knocking her at all for her weight, so relax. I will knock on her for her eyebrows, those scare me.
....and here we go with the eyebrows:
shadowstepped_ @kodes_ Lol have you seen her eyebrows they freak me out
Fist, let me address the "thick" comments. I am small, like really small. I'm maybe not even 5' tall and weigh under 100lbs. However, I LOVE that I look curvy in photos! I'm all like "damn white girl, where'd you get that ass!"

Not to toot my own horn, but honey, if you think I should tone up you're blind!
And all I have to say about my eyebrows is that when people make comments like this, I can only imagine a world where giving people this look

causes them to run away in terror.
I promise to update soon! I'm flying out to audition for the burlesque tour
then the new boy is coming to visit me!
I still have 'Say Yes' in MR! I had so much fun shooting with Waikiki. Please go check it out!

I love you guys!

The line up was SICK!

The forest was magical!

I made some AMAZING new friends!

I even met a boy! I'm feeling quite smitten <3

Definitely the first person I've met who can compete with me in the crazy outfit department!
Overall, this sums up my weekend
So Friday the sg instagram reposted one of my pics! (@gunnersuicide if you're not already following me <3)

I was ELATED! Totally made my day!!!
I did, however, get some interesting comments!
For example:
maiseyhicken The background looks creepy
randiecat88 Pretty girl, cleAn your room though chica. :/
__eaglesleague Living like a hamster
motaalina Pretty girls always have filthy rooms...
budsyralli Someone needs to clean their space
britdougsi Why is the room trashed???
Do you really think this is my room? Seriously??? Look at the crazy walls! It's the attic of Bossy Grrl's Pin-up Joint where my burlesque troupe, Sex Kitten Purr-lesque, performs. Last May I did a photo shoot for Outlook Magazine

Another common comment was:
husjojola Thick
saucybawls I don't like her stomach tattoo at all. She would also look sexier if she toned up.
dethtrap @cocopuffs1985 sorry for having an opinion. She is thick, get over it. Look at her other pictures. We're not knocking her at all for her weight, so relax. I will knock on her for her eyebrows, those scare me.
....and here we go with the eyebrows:
shadowstepped_ @kodes_ Lol have you seen her eyebrows they freak me out
Fist, let me address the "thick" comments. I am small, like really small. I'm maybe not even 5' tall and weigh under 100lbs. However, I LOVE that I look curvy in photos! I'm all like "damn white girl, where'd you get that ass!"

Not to toot my own horn, but honey, if you think I should tone up you're blind!
And all I have to say about my eyebrows is that when people make comments like this, I can only imagine a world where giving people this look

causes them to run away in terror.
I promise to update soon! I'm flying out to audition for the burlesque tour

then the new boy is coming to visit me!
I still have 'Say Yes' in MR! I had so much fun shooting with Waikiki. Please go check it out!

I love you guys!
also: anyone who doesn't know you are the tiniest thing ever, clearly hasn't met you.