Why do i live when so many young men and women died? i see the faces coming back from Iraq and wonder what i did to deserve anything, including breathing.
Don't know if i will have a job, some people think we cost too much.
Thought i had met HER and had a future. Now she has disappeared and no longer responds. One more loss, when will i learn my fucking lesson? The old depression returns and am running out of friends and people who give a fuck. May be time to say "auf Wiedersehen.?"
Just wnat what most people want. someone who's there and gives a purpose beyond self.
Fuck it, comment if you want. Eager to hear.
Don't know if i will have a job, some people think we cost too much.
Thought i had met HER and had a future. Now she has disappeared and no longer responds. One more loss, when will i learn my fucking lesson? The old depression returns and am running out of friends and people who give a fuck. May be time to say "auf Wiedersehen.?"
Just wnat what most people want. someone who's there and gives a purpose beyond self.
Fuck it, comment if you want. Eager to hear.