I am so very very annoyed! Why te hell won't this woman leave me the HELL alone!? I swear, she's like a fucking child! She was watching out the window as I pulled up to the house, and soon as I grabbed to door-knob, she want to know what I'm looking for!? What kind of non-sense is that?! And she's constantly hounding me about jobs,...
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Right now, I'm having the hardest time thinking of how I'm going to make this 3x3 happen. I'm really starting to think that I am useless. I have pretty much tried to contact every one of my sources, and 99% of them have not only shot me down, but have also pretty much ignored me. I cannot fathom this, it is really ridiculous, and annoying,...
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I don't know what made me take a look at what they have been saying about me, I really don't. But the fact that they are still talking about me is kinda funny. How is it that they are so enamored by shit that I have done, and have such a wrong idea about what I am and what I am about, yet they think...
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I'm very slightly miffed right now. I've been looking over my finances tonight and hoping that I could see myself moving out into a nice apartment in the near future. But it's not looking too well right now. I've seen that with the subtraction of my current bills, I will be coming up ~$110 short per month on the rent. And then if that's the...
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I'm glad to hear that youv'e grown up and quit worrying what people think about you so much. I think that was always one of my major hangups with you. Of course you know if I ever did care what people thought that I never let it effect what I did. I behaved like a lady even if I didn't/still don't always look like one.

Could you look into a different apartment complex possibly? I know that there are several places in the area that are cheaper. Can Susan contribute anything to that? I know that she'll be out of work for like three months but that might be helpful as well before and after. Also I don't know what kind of school you're going to, or if this is an option for any of your courses, but what about trying to do online classes? That would free up more work hours and you could just do the work in your down time instead of actually having to have the physical time off to go to class? Just some thoughts. ^.^

BTW Never let anyone tell you that you are immature. You aren't immature you're just still fun. They are old people. miao!!
It has finally happened. I am going to be father in seven months. There are definately mixed emotions about it. My feelings seem to be influenced by the people around me. When I'm at work, I'm usually pissed off, but when I think about being a daddy, it makes me happy. When I see my dad, I feel kinda bad, like I totally let him...
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congratulations! Larry told me your news the other day actually.

Merry Christmas!!
Recently, I've seen how much "we" have matured since "we" were like 16. The big thing I've seen is how when I'm out driving at night (which is very frequently), every time I am near young males, they either try and race me, or they stare at my new wheels like I'm god. It's pretty damn cool. I get instant respect or recognition as being...
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oh dude, i cant go medium on guitar hero. im a champ with easy though tongue
"Hey, what kind of party is this? There's no booze, and only one hooker."

I love listening to sad songs. I don't know why, I think I've had some sort of fascination with them, since I heard Little Suzzie by Micheal Jackson. When I heard it I cried and couldn't listen to the rest. I guess you could say that is scared me to hear...
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you live in delaware!!! thats awesome!!! i like your journal, but it looked hella sad with no comments in it
smile thank you!

and the upside down profile pic is trippy wink
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Thinking about strength within, and the desire of it, and the need for it. I've been thinking about being different, but yet still being the same. Most of all, I've been thinking of how people like to hold each other down, especially when you most need to stand up. I've been thinking that my inner strength doesn't...
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Guess what I did the other day, I helped bring down a fighting shop-lifter at work. It was not as much of a rush as you might think, at least it wasn't for me. But it was fun, I'd love to do it again. Anthony was struggling with him really bad, and he almost got away, but I got behind him and choked him for...
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"...I'm you your little butterfly, green black and blue, making colors in the sky..."

I've been digging through all my CDs looking to fill up my iTunes library (7GB so far). I'm getting up there in stuff. It's mostly the SG videos and SG radio taking up space, but there are like 1600 songs on there. I went and got the very first mix-CD I...
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