Seems that everyday I wake up I have to take inventory of all the things that are wrong. Why is it that before I even start the day, there's one-thousand-and-one things wrong? It does get more than a bit overwhelming. Especially on Wednesdays with the conference call, and having the opp the night before. I have been more than a little bit drained when I get up, and usually feel sick, and can't seem to get myself out of bed. I really don't like this. I wonder who would. I haven't been writing my goals down, I haven't been taking my vitamins... hell... I'm kinda murky on my goals at this point. I feel kinda lost. It's like, I know things that I want, but I don't have a clear-concise-mental-picture. And that sucks.Maybe I should be writing my goals at night. That seems to definitely be when my mind is the most fancy free. It's just like when I was in high school, I was always up late because that's when my mind worked the best. Seriously, that's why I need an office, so I can do what I need to do, and everyone can sleep and I don't have to deal with it. I used to do late night hours at my desk, writing and drawing and listening to music, and I cranked out a lot of stuff back then. Most of it sucked, but we were kids back then, it didn't matter. We'll see, I'm going to be successful, but I want to do it right-now-right-now.... not later-later... right-now-right-now.