I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Thinking about strength within, and the desire of it, and the need for it. I've been thinking about being different, but yet still being the same. Most of all, I've been thinking of how people like to hold each other down, especially when you most need to stand up. I've been thinking that my inner strength doesn't come from my desire to be different, but from the reality that I am different. On both side of my family, there are two kinds of people. There's everybody else, and then there's me. I was thinking earlier that I used to be such a child about some things. And that acting serious, and steadfast all the time, doesn't make you and adult. It's the way you take to life, and handle yourself in each situation that helps to make that observation. I may not act like the perfect picture of adulthood all the time, but I damn-well know that I am more of an adult, and more of a man that most people I know my age (or close to my age). but, that doesn't mean that there aren't thousands of lessons for me to learn still. I would never boast of that impossibility. I don't know what has gotten me to think about all of this, but the fact is that I have been thinking about it. That's what's important.
More Blogs
Tuesday May 24, 2011
I am so very very annoyed! Why te hell won't this woman leave me the … -
Monday Mar 14, 2011
Right now, I'm having the hardest time thinking of how I'm going to m… -
Friday Mar 11, 2011
I don't know what made me take a look at what they have been saying a… -
Tuesday Jan 01, 2008
I'm very slightly miffed right now. I've been looking over my finance… -
Sunday Nov 18, 2007
It has finally happened. I am going to be father in seven months. The… -
Wednesday Aug 08, 2007
Recently, I've seen how much "we" have matured since "we" were like 1… -
Thursday Sep 07, 2006
"Hey, what kind of party is this? There's no booze, and only one hook… -
Sunday Sep 03, 2006
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Thinking about strength wit… -
Tuesday Aug 22, 2006
Guess what I did the other day, I helped bring down a fighting shop-l… -
Wednesday Aug 16, 2006
"...I'm you your little butterfly, green black and blue, making color…