It has finally happened... Jen and I are no longer a couple. We are broken up after almost 2 years together. I don't really know how I feel about it yet. I just know that it hit me kinda hard. I really love her, and she really loves me, but I can't give her what she need and be happy... and she just won't give me what I need. I guess that it's alright. Our entire relationship was more like a good friendship anyway, there was no sex, not much of anything sexual, and when it came around to doing stuff, it was what friends would do. Although there wwere many fights, I won't say anything more things about her that are negative. I say that everything about Jen be positive, so that everything can be positive. There is absolutely no chance of us getting back together, but at least we'll actually be friends.

breakups suck. its probably a really good thing that you two werent very sexual because its wayyyyy harder to get over someone and move on when you still want to fuck the shit out of them. hope you arent sad.
I guess is was a good thing that we weren't, but not being sexual in itself was one of the major problems that was seriously affecting our relationship (among other things). It was a constant struggle just being with her. But things are gonna get better now.