Wanted to change to a more metal look and got some super awesome jeans from Killstar, want to work on my body a bit once I can get the time outside of events and work, tell me what you thunk?


Hi all!

What can I say, its been utterly manic this last month, preparing for 2 conventions and running two tournaments for one of the games my studio produces.

It has been utterly awesome to work on our upcoming game with Games Workshop, we got to show fans at Warhammer Fest and everybody loved it. Also got to geek out seeing all the awesome new...
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Top figures and vans๐Ÿ˜Ž


Finally had the time to catch up on my comics, Gideon Falls is giving me some really cool Stphen King's The Stand vibes, its a must read!

I am also rereading the classic cyberpunk manga Battle Angel Alita before the film comes out.

What are you all reading?

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Wow what a fun evening!

Got a chance to go to the Bafta Game Awards through work which was pretty awesome and had a great view:

The show was great. Afterwards number into a friend from my old Sony days and in turn ended up chatting with an incredible lady from a games studio near mine for a bit.

Managed to find her on Facebook
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Armored up for the first event of the year. It's off to a great start as I have to build the stand an hour before opening.๐Ÿ˜’