Well so much for keeping up with these or anything on here for that matter, my job has kept me super busy these las few months.
I got a new lense for my camera! I finally picked up a macro lens for my camera which is completely awesome and now it looks a little more professional. :D
I love my camera and still have a lot to learn, but I am getting better at taking pics with it and the macro lens allows me to take reall cool close up pictures of minatures like this:
Love the steampunk look of this guy (he ended up as my facebook pic!). This is what I have been busy doing outside of work, building and painting the studio's Age of Sigmar miniatures, it's been a lot of fun and a huge blast to do. Some pictures of my skills are below: (Spoilered for ease of reading!)
I love to build models, always have, from games workshop stuff like this to my ever growing fleet of Gundams which I am proud off, which you can see the larger ones here. The final two are my Perfect Grade Gundams which are incredibly complex and even light up, they are the envy of the model fans at the office, luckily I have a fairly large desk otherwise I wouldn't have any space to work!
All this makes me feel like a total geek, I love that :D
Work wise, my job has changed quite significantly of the last 6 months, going from video gmae QA into the Community Team of the studio and now becoming head of logistics and worldwide distribution of a trading card game (and a second in the near future) has meant a change of pace and stopped my job from becoming very boring. Added to that I still get to do my sideline of event technical support and logistis which will mean that I get to travel to far flung parts of the world (well Birmingham and Cologne this year) to see the insides of convention centres! It's such a glamourous job. :D
Thats pretty much it for me, very little time outside work to focus on anything apar from painting, hopefully it will calm down once the new game has launched so that I can relax and catch up with stuff, maybe even take a holiday (want to go back to Japan next year).
So I'm signing off, hope to be back here much more, but if not, stay gorgeous everybody and give your love to all the gorgeous hopefulls who post sets here everyday.
Especially @kwanon as her sets are utterly incredible. <3