it's not so much that bush won that has made me depressed. it's the mindset of a majority (granted, not a huge one, but still a majority) of people living here. clinton was impeached for getting a blowjob in the white house, despite presiding over brilliant economic times, and being a well-spoken and thoughtful hard worker. w has blatantly lied to the american people aboiut really important things on several occasions, gone against world concensus many times, gotten us into a ridiculous war where american deaths have topped a thousand, and then there are the countless deaths in iraq, which has turned into the new terrorist breeding ground for al quaida. the national debt is monstrous...something that will be affecting at least our children's generation, if not our grandchildren's. no end is in sight for any of this. what does the man have to do to get fired? people line up to sing his praises, and i just don't get it. i have a sad feeling that bush and co. now feel that they have a mandate to be the cocky bastards those who voted for him expect him to be, at the expense of all of us. i guess fear-mongering and sleight of hand really are effective political tools, and the apparent blindness of the majority of americans willing to feed into all of it has left me feeling disappointed, confused and probably disgusted.

I sure do agree...
It's not so much that really A typical presidential cantidates always win....
but it's the reason why they win that bothers me.
Because no one thinks..... well... a great majority doesn't think.
I say fuck it anyway, since even if everyone in the US voted for someone else.... it's still technically possible that Bush could be elected in the electoral college...
Once again... making absolutely no sense what so ever.
Hey I like some stuff about america.... but... when did we become nationalist Facists is my question?
tonight was AWESOME.
it was everything i was hoping for when i decided to go out tonight.
i knew nobody was gonna be there and it was gonna be a night of (mostly) dancing by myself, and you totally delivered the goods, and gave me lots of fun stuff to dance to.
you should play X next time i am there. i was gonna request it but i couldn't think of a song i wanted to hear.
oh, and playing the RAMONES song "sha la la (howling at the moon)" or "somebody put something in my drink" would be pretty bad-ass as well.
oh, and what the hell is up with that FRANZ FERDINAND song? every bone in my body is telling me to hate it because they are way popular and trendy right now, but holy shit its so good i can't help it! i finally danced to it tonight after resisting the urge for over a month and it was totally awesome.