Since installing OSX I've been spending too much time manually updating my address book and entering in info from my Palm, in case all the info is erased when I sync up. Paranoid? Perhaps...but I've heard too many stories of people losing all of their data, and the pain of making sure all the info is in a safe place is much less than what ti would be if I lost everything.
My new Digital Performer music software arrives in a day or so, and I'm expecting an intense learning curve before any good comes of it.
Made dinner for Su and myself's so great being surrounded by 4 organic grocers. And then there was the weekly farmers market today. The corn and salad veggies are brilliant right now. And I made some killer barbequed chicken.
Can't wait for this ridiculous hot 'n' humid weather thing to go away. It's got me down. Maybe that's why I'm enjoying staying inside and doing domestic things. It keeps me near the air conditioner.
Hope this finds you well and happy.
My new Digital Performer music software arrives in a day or so, and I'm expecting an intense learning curve before any good comes of it.
Made dinner for Su and myself's so great being surrounded by 4 organic grocers. And then there was the weekly farmers market today. The corn and salad veggies are brilliant right now. And I made some killer barbequed chicken.
Can't wait for this ridiculous hot 'n' humid weather thing to go away. It's got me down. Maybe that's why I'm enjoying staying inside and doing domestic things. It keeps me near the air conditioner.
Hope this finds you well and happy.

and you say your "taken" right...
man, i'll have to make do with being stuck to my chair with this fan blowing hot air on my chest and night two of nasty-ass TV dinners for dinner...
I have started disliking myself when I get crabby, I tend to say mean things. And apparently I'm pretty good at it. Mean and funny i'm all about no matter the state of my candle, but mean just to be mean I'd like to avoid.