Brand New page of comix at Gumballhead's Patreon! Gumballhead is deep inside the giant city!
Drawn while my cataracts were getting worse by the day! The free Gumballhead ccomic. Gumballhead and Hully set out to sea in a row boat!
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Brand New page of comix at Gumballhead's Patreon! Gumballhead is deep inside the giant city!
Drawn while my cataracts were getting worse by the day! The free Gumballhead ccomic. Gumballhead and Hully set out to sea in a row boat!
Who's this guy laying in the middle of the giant Ocean Of Soot, and how did Gumballhead not see him when his boat crashed? Does that sentence even make sense? Find out on page 40 at Gumballhead's Patreon!
Stranded on an unknown planet, Gumballhead the Cat sees an enormous city, but to get there he must traverse the Ocean Of Soot!
Read it at Gumballhead's Patreon!
What's happening in Gumballhead's comic this week? Well, the Cat, and his fucking row boat are in space! Check it out at Gumballhead's Patreon!
Starts as low as 2 dollars a month, and just between you and me, the $2 tier gets all the extras! (Don't tell anyone)
Just a few days ago, my pal Sara gave me this beautiful kitten!
I named her Katie. Every Katie I've know has been an awesome person, hopefully that will be true for cats too!
She's taken a few naps on this small printing screen.
Most of the time, she sleeps on me.
She's active, and fun, and cute!
After the tragic events on the unnamed island, Gumballhead rows as fast and far as he can! How far does he go, how far can he possibly go in a fucking row boat? Find out at Gumballhead's Patreon!
The strange island turns out to be pretty goddamn dangerous, in Gumballhead's Patreon! Starts as low as 2 bucks a month. And to be serious, the 2 dollar level is the best deal because they get everything for that price. That's our little secret, don't tell anyone!
Tagged by @solostella so blame her! And follow her. She's cool.
1. Tell us about one of your favorite songs of all time.
Easy, "Wonderful Subdivision" by St. Louis punk band DRUNKS WITH GUNS.
In the early 80's, the Drunks With Guns zigged when every other St Louis punk band zagged, setting them apart, and setting them in stone as one of the greats in...
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Gumballhead and his pal Hully land on a mysterious island, and find a colorful, dense jungle. What mystery awaits them?
Gumballhead's Patreon! As low as 2 dollars a month!