The strange island turns out to be pretty goddamn dangerous, in Gumballhead's Patreon! Starts as low as 2 bucks a month. And to be serious, the 2 dollar level is the best deal because they get everything for that price. That's our little secret, don't tell anyone!

Thanks it was lovely 😊
I love your art!!

Tagged by @solostella so blame her! And follow her. She's cool.

1. Tell us about one of your favorite songs of all time.
Easy, "Wonderful Subdivision" by St. Louis punk band DRUNKS WITH GUNS.

In the early 80's, the Drunks With Guns zigged when every other St Louis punk band zagged, setting them apart, and setting them in stone as one of the greats in...
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🖤🖤 maybe it’s time to make a future plan to head beachside
I do love the food you chose!  And Escape from New York is great.  The basketball!

Gumballhead and his pal Hully land on a mysterious island, and find a colorful, dense jungle. What mystery awaits them?

Gumballhead's Patreon! As low as 2 dollars a month!


Come back for the confusion, weird humor, and sloppy experimentation! Stay for the wooden dialog!

At Gumballhead the Cat's Patreon!


thank you very much to @vivianbliss for the tag!!

: Favorite Horror Movie:

John Carpenter's The Thing

: Favorite Horror Movie Slasher:

I don't know, Michael from the first Halloween.

: Favorite Halloween Candy:

Reese's Peanutbutter Cups

: Favorite Spooky Time Drink:

Spooky beer?

: Favorite Cinematic Werewolf:

(I mentioned this in a comment somewhere on this site today) The werewolf from An American Werewolf...
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Nice picks ! 🖤