Good morning friends, and so also these summer holidays draw to a termiene, having enjoyed wonderful days at sea, even the weather turns cooler and the days become shorter. I wanted to say a few words here in favor of a group to which I am attached and of which I am part of the entry in Sg, the Group is the Group PenPals I love to write and receive a letter always has a special charm makes you feel more close to the people who exchange it with you gives you something of that person, in his words, in his writing, I have many friends there and I wish you many of you were part of, to have more and more friends, so if you love the charm of the letters written to hand, little surprises to find in your mail box, letters, if you love to write, come on, join us
sorry i forgot the link .............PenPals

sorry i forgot the link .............PenPals

welcome back.
this place looks the paradise!