Hi my wonderful friends.....i'm starting this new blog , with the belief that no one will comment these my words and my thoughts make me pretty unpopular since the argument goes against one of the "must" of this time, but still the same I want to express my thoughts..............................
My cousin has attempted suicide for problems related to the use of weed, He needed money money money, he worked, had a good job, but spent all in weed , did not pay anything, because his thinking was smoke just that from morning to night, and most are not enough money so he decided to commit suicide, fortunately failed and he's now hospitalized in a mental health center to attempt a recovery, I'm going to visit he every day, luckily I do not have experience on these things, but I remain amazed at how many too young guys and girls there are in this Center , all with the same problems, "ruined" who are afraid to leave, and face life, I'm talking with many of them, I did not know this world, and I hope I can lend a hand a comfort, but it is very difficult....they are terrorized to back in reality,many many have only trusted in the elettroshock, every day they count the hours of their day is punctuated by three times the 9 am, 14.30 and 21, 30 hours in which the therapy is administered many have in mind only suicide, but ... I can not get into this vision of things, do not judge, I would just give him a hope, I hope to be of help to someone, I'm happy to give a little of my time, I know not help much, but I'll try...all this is so sad ........... this saddens me a lot, you can not enter this "dark" in 20 years and having such a life ... ..
My cousin has attempted suicide for problems related to the use of weed, He needed money money money, he worked, had a good job, but spent all in weed , did not pay anything, because his thinking was smoke just that from morning to night, and most are not enough money so he decided to commit suicide, fortunately failed and he's now hospitalized in a mental health center to attempt a recovery, I'm going to visit he every day, luckily I do not have experience on these things, but I remain amazed at how many too young guys and girls there are in this Center , all with the same problems, "ruined" who are afraid to leave, and face life, I'm talking with many of them, I did not know this world, and I hope I can lend a hand a comfort, but it is very difficult....they are terrorized to back in reality,many many have only trusted in the elettroshock, every day they count the hours of their day is punctuated by three times the 9 am, 14.30 and 21, 30 hours in which the therapy is administered many have in mind only suicide, but ... I can not get into this vision of things, do not judge, I would just give him a hope, I hope to be of help to someone, I'm happy to give a little of my time, I know not help much, but I'll try...all this is so sad ........... this saddens me a lot, you can not enter this "dark" in 20 years and having such a life ... ..
you are always so sweet! thnk you !

Thank you