ok .....friends....i have a cable!
it has'nt been for me a particular weekend really busy to think to some changes for my life .....about my work ...about all .....I want more time for me ....the things for me go always better .....the healt....I can risk 70% of recovery .....yesteday my first my first ride in bike of the year.............
unfortunately I did not guide ..but very soon i hope......thx to all my fantastic friend ...you're uniques and awesome.....kisses
any pics...
it has'nt been for me a particular weekend really busy to think to some changes for my life .....about my work ...about all .....I want more time for me ....the things for me go always better .....the healt....I can risk 70% of recovery .....yesteday my first my first ride in bike of the year.............
any pics...
Who has money,has power, and so the right to play in the game
mi devi spiegare chi sono ste fighe che vedo che aggiungi fra le tue foto. che avendo mille mila foto negli attachements, se provo ad aprire la cartella per vederle ingrandite, mi si blocca il computer. spiega.....