First day back at school. Good to get back into the usual rhythm of life again, yet Im sure this year is gonna kick my ass again.

Went out to the movies last night with the guys and we once again were smart enough to get smashed before watching Dragon Wars. This one was even worse than Shoot 'em up, like MANY times worse. Like...
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Thanks for the comment on my set!
Randomness: Last night, I ran into a guy that I went to high school with. He was drunk at a little hole in the wall bar and he seemed depressed and said something about if he could only go back and graduate then things would be different.
Okay, update time.

First off, it was great to meet up with the new faces and the the regulars at the monthly drinks night with SGIE . Note to self though, don't go to a bar on the 11th of September again. Real buzz kill to hear the band prattle on about the terrorist attacks while you are enjoying your social time.

Behind Spoiler- Emo...
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To anyone planning on going to see Shoot 'em up I would recommend getting smashed drunk beforehand. Worked wonders for me and made the movie a hell of alot more enjoyable with the weird plot gaps and strange storyline.

Murdering a baby to get bone marrow for a politician for gun control= WTF?

Shortly after the theater let out a friend and I then were...
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So the crazy lady that flirts with everyone at the store (Including me) was apparently calling the store to find out when I came in on wednesday. A clerk told her when I was scheduled to show up and she came to see me. She tried to return a large bottle of tequila, we cant refund alcohol. I told her this fact. She smiles and...
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It's all about practice, repetition and finding what technique works for you. The only time my mom ever saw me put my contacts in she laughed because I used a different technique for each eye. The doctor told her that wasn't nice.

Welcome to the wonderful world of contacts!

What solution are you using?
Opti-free replenish is my favorite. I used Bauch and Loumbe for years until the whole bacteria scandal. But Replenish is just so silk and "wet" as silly as that sounds.

Life is good. More later.
For some reason my thigh says "skippy was here-GnG". So you know anything thing about this?! ARRR!!!
lmao hilarious =D

The power of the Vagina...
Wow.. I need to update.

Lets see.... Nothing.

Wait... Yeah, Work is alright. No crazy folk tales to tell this time around though.

The band is going along well, we should really meet up for practice more though. We recorded some of our stuff and posted it on myspace. Some jammage that I can really be proud of too, but the recording is coming out...
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I love Hank Toms!
thanks smile
Who the fuck came up with the idea of making Smirnoff tea? I was browsing the liquor store while I waited for a pizza today and noticed what I would have to assume is a terrible tasting drink that has all the health benefits of tea nullified by some tasty vodka. Am I wrong?

Tea Partay?

In better news, I may just have the chance...
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hahahahahaha, Smirnoff tea, oh my god. what will they think of next.. milk with pulp??
smirnoff tea...made for high schoolers!
Today was a good day disguised as a terrible day. cant say that I have had one of those before.

- Was going to jam with the band today. Didnt. Lameness on my part. Well maybe tomorrow.
Really excited where this is going. you see we just weren't syncing up the last time, but we are really making some massive steps forward from what I'm...
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How have you been bro? smile
-Work is stress. Im like the only thing keeping the front end rolling. That may sound arrogant but I am the only checker there for the good portion of the day recently.

- Going through a whole range of emotions dealing with a new lady friend. All the old familiar feelings, good and bad.

-Still having trouble sleeping at night. Hence the 2am blog update...
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Work is stress....+1. garhhhgggg

Do you drink a lot of coffee?...I wasn't sleeping at all and I cut back and switched to Decaf for a week and that fixed it.
Well looks like I'm going to LA after all thanks for the invite though!
So here I am, lost in the big wide world that is life.

Im in my summer mode and enjoy that I dont have work and school to compete with, yet find myself in need of stuff to do when Im off of work for the day. surreal

As many of you may or may not have heard the unions came to an agreement with the...
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that set is kick ass