Sunday- Saw Universal Studios burn on our way there for the day. There must have been a lot of mad people on the freeway. Later that night me and girlb0t went to go see Grandpa Gothic and the Medicine men, good times indeed.
PS- I have videos for both of these on my camera. Including the guy who was so high he tried to get people to dance/pray with him during the cure set.
Monday- Work.
Tuesday- Saw The Strangers, surprisingly good and intense movie. Saw SATC also, this lead to many a good conversation on some confusing Man/Woman conversation stuff.
Today- Just got out of my last session for the tattoo. My arm feels like it is on fire, but Im so happy with how it turned out.
PS- I have videos for both of these on my camera. Including the guy who was so high he tried to get people to dance/pray with him during the cure set.

Monday- Work.
Tuesday- Saw The Strangers, surprisingly good and intense movie. Saw SATC also, this lead to many a good conversation on some confusing Man/Woman conversation stuff.
Today- Just got out of my last session for the tattoo. My arm feels like it is on fire, but Im so happy with how it turned out.

Dude, I heard you were at the Dethklok show. You should have said something

ya know? I thought it was you but I wasn't sure so I didn't say anything!!