Today was a good day disguised as a terrible day. cant say that I have had one of those before.
- Was going to jam with the band today. Didnt. Lameness on my part. Well maybe tomorrow.
Really excited where this is going. you see we just weren't syncing up the last time, but we are really making some massive steps forward from what I'm seeing. Fuckin dynamite on acid style rocking. Actually captured some of our session on video last time, cant wait to see that.
- Need to go smog the car. Not too hard a task to do, yet takes unconceivable time for me to fit into my procrastinating schedule.
- Registered for classes today. The biggest surprise about it? Only one hold on my registration. Anyone who has read my blog for longer then a few months knows just how much I fucking hate Cal Poly for it's class registration system. I have jumped through flaming hoops of bureaucracy like a trained poodle for some of the stuff I have done there. Today I had to drive to campus and pay an old lady 18 dollars for a ticket to take a test, not too hard. Actually surprised there weren't 5 more things to do before it actually let me pick classes.
- My Ipod which I thought was broken only needed some power because it was left on overnight.
- This didn't actually happen today but I might as well update. That Lady friend I mentioned a while back who I was digging on seems to have quit calling me back. No sadness, just disappointment. Life goes on.
-Came home to this in the mail. Currently listening to it and it makes my day.
Stay classy San Diego. -GnG
- Was going to jam with the band today. Didnt. Lameness on my part. Well maybe tomorrow.
Really excited where this is going. you see we just weren't syncing up the last time, but we are really making some massive steps forward from what I'm seeing. Fuckin dynamite on acid style rocking. Actually captured some of our session on video last time, cant wait to see that.
- Need to go smog the car. Not too hard a task to do, yet takes unconceivable time for me to fit into my procrastinating schedule.
- Registered for classes today. The biggest surprise about it? Only one hold on my registration. Anyone who has read my blog for longer then a few months knows just how much I fucking hate Cal Poly for it's class registration system. I have jumped through flaming hoops of bureaucracy like a trained poodle for some of the stuff I have done there. Today I had to drive to campus and pay an old lady 18 dollars for a ticket to take a test, not too hard. Actually surprised there weren't 5 more things to do before it actually let me pick classes.

- My Ipod which I thought was broken only needed some power because it was left on overnight.
- This didn't actually happen today but I might as well update. That Lady friend I mentioned a while back who I was digging on seems to have quit calling me back. No sadness, just disappointment. Life goes on.
-Came home to this in the mail. Currently listening to it and it makes my day.
Stay classy San Diego. -GnG
How have you been bro?