Look at what I found at the library, now I have my own crazy christian fundamentalist book of my own!
Small excert about Music
"Music For the Masses"
"Satan works subliminally in the area of music. We are being bombarded, and we dont know what is hitting us. I was astounded as I began to study this subject. Basically I'm ignorant about music, and yet I realize that it is a powerful means of provoking emotions. Henry Thoreau, the new-old hero of many youth, prophesied in Walden: "Even music may be intoxicating . Such apparently slight causes destroyed Greece and Rome, and will destroy England and America." I heard a professor of sociology speak on trends in music, and rock in particular. This man was not an ivory-tower member of the academy speaking without experience. He was a member of the musician's union and had been a professional trumpet player for fifteen years. He explained that harmonic and rhythmic fabrics of rock music are critcally important. And it's not necessary to comprehend the intricacies of music to understand what's done with it.
This former jazz man describedhow changes in rhythm and other musical techniques can be used to sell attitudes and concepts. Many of Pavlov's experiments were conducted witha metronome to research the effects of rhythm as a conditioning agent. Today, in some of our popular music at least, we seem to be reverting to savagery. The most dramatic indication of this is the number of times rock concerts have erupted into riots.
Im not trying to blast all modern music, but I think we should be aware of the fact that satan can use it as his tool to pull us away from god and into chaotic thinking."
He goes on to say very similar things about: Art, Movies, Television, newspapers, and schools.
Wikipedia: Hal Lindsey
In other news I finally got to see the film Amelie, what a wonderful little movie that is. I wish I could find a girl just like her.
If I'm understanding this, that part is kind of true. Fucked up, but true...fuck all that other stuff.