So i ended up buying a new windows gaming pc. Such beauty
And also my girlfriend really pissed me off tonight. I needed to put her name down on a form, and they may have phoned her to check on it, she would of had to confirm her name and one other detail and that would be it, so she says it's ok, i put her name down on the form, and then she's like, 'I don't like putting my name down for things'. Now tghe form is a fucking mess and I don't know who else to turn to. All because she can't take responsibility for anything. It's a fucking joke, and this is the only place I can vent because she is everywhere. Sick of all of this, not sure I can keep this relationship going much longer.
it's been three years and when it;s good it's good but at the minute it really doesn't seem worth it, sher's cheated three times yet she's possesive and untrusting of me. We barely have a\ physical relastionship. The odd girl that has been interested in even just being friends I can't really talk to because she gets pissed off, if i even get a friendly text off a female when she's near she's quiet for the rest if the day.
She even seems jealous of my best guy friend, whenever I see him she just wont talk to me, and you would thinjk it's for privacy, but it's just because she wants to say i ignored her all day when he goes home. Fuck sake, when i write all of this down i realise how much of a fucking idiot I am, I don't have the balls to break it off.
I tried a month or so ago and se cried and I just couldnt do it.
Advice would be greatly appreciated.
What a rant that was..
And also my girlfriend really pissed me off tonight. I needed to put her name down on a form, and they may have phoned her to check on it, she would of had to confirm her name and one other detail and that would be it, so she says it's ok, i put her name down on the form, and then she's like, 'I don't like putting my name down for things'. Now tghe form is a fucking mess and I don't know who else to turn to. All because she can't take responsibility for anything. It's a fucking joke, and this is the only place I can vent because she is everywhere. Sick of all of this, not sure I can keep this relationship going much longer.
it's been three years and when it;s good it's good but at the minute it really doesn't seem worth it, sher's cheated three times yet she's possesive and untrusting of me. We barely have a\ physical relastionship. The odd girl that has been interested in even just being friends I can't really talk to because she gets pissed off, if i even get a friendly text off a female when she's near she's quiet for the rest if the day.
She even seems jealous of my best guy friend, whenever I see him she just wont talk to me, and you would thinjk it's for privacy, but it's just because she wants to say i ignored her all day when he goes home. Fuck sake, when i write all of this down i realise how much of a fucking idiot I am, I don't have the balls to break it off.
I tried a month or so ago and se cried and I just couldnt do it.
Advice would be greatly appreciated.
What a rant that was..
Congrats on your new gaming pc! I hope you enjoy it!