Today has been super productive. I bought a skylight filter for my SLR and my first flash gun. Didn't get much of a chance to use the flashgun but the results are as shown below (all shot with a canon eos 350 D)

The one chance i did get with my flash gun on an actual person. (using a jessops 360AFDC with my canon)

and a toy car...

These are the good ones from over 200 pics, and even then 80% of these seem bad to me.
Definitely gonna learn to love the flash gun though.
Criticism greatly invited. Including tips for the flash gun or in general

The one chance i did get with my flash gun on an actual person. (using a jessops 360AFDC with my canon)

and a toy car...

These are the good ones from over 200 pics, and even then 80% of these seem bad to me.
Definitely gonna learn to love the flash gun though.
Criticism greatly invited. Including tips for the flash gun or in general

I love all of them. Especially the 1st picture. Its gorgeous. Your camera catches detail very well. I'm afraid I'm no help with tips on a flash gun. lol.
That looks good!