- on what are you listening to at this very moment? in music
- on trilla's photo
- on yuxi's photo
- on eminence_____'s post on guitarified's page
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- on Selfies in self-portraiture
Realising I'm being used by the girl I'm curfrently dating. My ex is fucking another guy and rubbing it greatly in my face which is upsetting me so much. And it's ridiculous, I have no right to be upset, I've already been dating someone else, so why the FUCK does it hurt so much. I'm the biggest hypocrite.
Luckily I have a new bottle of...
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But I was in a relationship and somewhat forbidden from here so..anyway I am VERY glad to be back.
Things going on with me now:
I have my own place in a nice part of Newcastle in the UK. Been here a year now and I love living here. Way too close to all the local bars though.
Recently my sole job has been being...
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I have drank/taken way too much. I can't keep doing this.

Happy new year to those who are around

I haven't done a whole lot. Started a business, sold it. Writing some cool stuff music wise at the minute. Had a pretty intense relationship that burned out pretty fast. Got a management type position at my local bar.
Overall though I don#'t feel to great and haven't for...
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So those are good things

I got to the pub absolutely soaked because my dad couldnt give me a lift, so this made me in a bad mood, and this made me drink.
By 1pm I was pretty far gone and I just kept going.
Then I eventually got home and just felt like death, so spent the rest of the day...
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What I can say is, keep up what you're doing... strive to make it better, rather than sitting and letting it eat you alive. I wish you the best... I hope that things get better for you, and that you can see the brighter side of it all, despite all the bad things.
Be well, friend.

You've obviously had a real tough time. Do whatever you can to help yourself. If your dad doesn't want to do that for himself then that's his choice. He shouldn't judge you for your decision.
Hope it goes well for you.
How is everyone? Well I hope.
How am I you ask? (Or more likely don't)
I am up and down.
Still dating here or there, to some avail, but typically the one girl that likes me right now, is a girl who has nothing in common with me, and not one mutual interest...
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Things were going really well, I lost a load of weight and met a nice girl, but she fucked me over, so that sucks.
I haven't spoke to any of you, or even been on here, for agesssssssssssssss.
So if you fancy a chat; message me

dames do that, as do fellas!
So, I haven't posted in ages.
I need a girlfriend quite badly.
I am quite shit at being single, like, SO bad,
So if you could fix this, I will be nice, and give you lots of oral, cos I like giving oral.
And also I will buy you cool things (assuming you like star wars and comics)
So yeah.
Do that.
The past few days have been somewhat eventful.
I finally manned up and told my ex to just fuck off and stop fucking me around because I just don't care anymore.
I was fed up of her and her friend just taking...
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I came to a realisation about some things, and some people, and am a little more at ease on certain situations.
I went to the pub, and knew the bar maid was in that everyone keeps trying to set me up with.
Usually she doesnt talk to me that much, but today she spoke to me first, and then we spoke for...
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I saw my ex today, and things were amicable, so that is good.
And I finally decided to get pain pills, and they are the best thing.
This is going to change my everyday life, I walked around today with next to no pain.