(No, there is no West Goatfuck.)
One of the people from my motorcycle club is in town for a weeding, so we obviously had to gather over a beverage...
We were to meet at VZD's (the only cool bar in OKC), but she was running even later than I was. Good thing, too, or I would have missed it when Jeff Beck rolled up the door on his shop across the road (no, not that Jeff Beck).

Oh yeah, he builds choppers, too:

Jennaxide eventually did show up, I introduced her to Jeff & his gal, then much hilarity ensued!

In other news, my gas tank repair progresses. Yesterday I applied the Kreem elastomeric polymer:

Today I'll apply what's left in the bottle, then let it cure overnight. Tomorrow I'll apply fresh Bondo to the outside of the tank and in the next few days (after the MEK fumes have completely dissipated) I'll start with the paint.
In other other news...
In an act of blatant typecasting, I've been nominated and voted in as the new owner of the Suicide Guitars group. If you're into guitars and you're not already a member, go check it out!

(No, there is no West Goatfuck.)
One of the people from my motorcycle club is in town for a weeding, so we obviously had to gather over a beverage...
We were to meet at VZD's (the only cool bar in OKC), but she was running even later than I was. Good thing, too, or I would have missed it when Jeff Beck rolled up the door on his shop across the road (no, not that Jeff Beck).

Oh yeah, he builds choppers, too:

Jennaxide eventually did show up, I introduced her to Jeff & his gal, then much hilarity ensued!

In other news, my gas tank repair progresses. Yesterday I applied the Kreem elastomeric polymer:

Today I'll apply what's left in the bottle, then let it cure overnight. Tomorrow I'll apply fresh Bondo to the outside of the tank and in the next few days (after the MEK fumes have completely dissipated) I'll start with the paint.
In other other news...
In an act of blatant typecasting, I've been nominated and voted in as the new owner of the Suicide Guitars group. If you're into guitars and you're not already a member, go check it out!

That's a nice Rod!!
Lapsed account? Shit, man, where do you be?