RIP Majel Barrett-Roddenberry

Majel Barrett was the only performer to have had a role on all of the Star Trek series - usually not as a character but as the voice of the USS Enterprise's computer. She also supplied the voice of the Enterprise computer in four of the Star Trek films.
She played Number One in the original pilot, the one that was rejected. Gene Roddenberry had to retool the show before the network would accept it, including recasting Majel as Nurse Chapel because NBC was convinced the audience would never accept the idea of a female First Officer.

Majel Barrett was the only performer to have had a role on all of the Star Trek series - usually not as a character but as the voice of the USS Enterprise's computer. She also supplied the voice of the Enterprise computer in four of the Star Trek films.
She played Number One in the original pilot, the one that was rejected. Gene Roddenberry had to retool the show before the network would accept it, including recasting Majel as Nurse Chapel because NBC was convinced the audience would never accept the idea of a female First Officer.
I had no idea, thanks for all of the information.
The Three Stoogers below it was too funny.