I have a 91 Geo Storm that blew a head gasket. I took off the head to find that a head bolt was loose as a whore....then decided that since I was getting the head resurfaced and new valve seals and all that I should probably do the bottom half as well, and good thing, too! My clutch was shot. I ended up getting a rebuild kit, new water/oil pump, timing belt, few bolts. My boyfriend was bored and wanted something to do, so I told him he could clean the ring grooves on my pistons. He soaked them in super clean and etching the hell out them, so I got new pistons too. It's been a slow project. I could have had it done months ago, but I've been pretty lazy. All I have to do now is lift the block/transmission back up into the engine bay and attach the mounts, then pay for the head/fuel injectors and hook up the components. Since I don't have a cherry picker or anything, I ended up taking off the head/air plenum, then lowering the block/tranny to the ground and sliding it from under the car. It's been a fun project, and I know I could have just sold it and got another car for less than I'm paying to rebuild this one, but it's my car and it's a few bucks here and there, vs paying a lump sum for a different car and who knows what I would have ended up with quality wise. This is the most work I've ever had to do for her in the last 3 years, and now I can make sure the maintenance is done great from the get go...
Ha! Funny clip!