Bugger - didn't get it.


(hoping that this will work from normal e-mail...)

Yep it did work smile How do squire, Concrete_Monk pointed me this way. Nice to have another gamer around, greetings from an Undead fanatic skull
Ah see you met Abaddon!!! nice fella, he's the Angel BTW not the chaos lord!

Yes i am planning on nurgle alright. Going to mainly do 40k stuff plague marines, nurglings, plague bearers, and of course a GUO!!! My tattooist is going to draw some stuff i think, but anything you could send to inspire him would be appreciated!!!!!
Arse. I was supposed to find out this afternoon whether I got the job I was interviewed for yesterday, but by the time I'd finished doing some other stuff there wasn't enough time to have a proper talk about it so it's been postponed until tomorrow. Bugger. It wouldn't be so bad he I hadn't got so wound up about it all and hence an...
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Dog Soldiers...Seen it? my friend i fucking own it and you're right it's one of the best Werewolf flicks ever! the Wolf FX remind me of Howling which i really loved!

Glad to hear you're staying with GW i like being able to brag i have a mate on the inside!!! wink
Oh yes almost forgot about the game!

played Khorne, and it was a blood bath. take and hold mission. so i had the advantage. managed to get to the objective early using a rhino squad. My plague marines held it until they were able to summon 2 units of plague bearers in the 3rd. mean while my other two PM squads moved up to re-enforce the first. Please bow your 'ead in honnor of my command squad that died by the hands of a unit of Berzerkers, termi armor ain't shit against Chain axes of khorne!!!

Any way the battle boiled down to me trying to hold posion against the red tide of berzerkers, bloodletters, and a thirster eeek My GUO met the thrister H2H and killed him, only ro be killed by blood letters the next turn. they were then dispatched by my possessed w/ mark of nugle and D talons.
The plague bearers were able to soak up enough of the berzerkers charges to allow my PM and possessed to get into H2H which was deadly. All this time my defiler was raining death!

In the end I had 6 PM's total and 2 plague bearers, and 3 possessed. with my dred undamaged 2" from objective.

He had 9 zerkers and a bloodletter left!!!

Fun bloody game, the way i like them!
I've got to say you look awfully like one Mr Rice that I know.
Thats ok though cos it would only be a spare so I could afford it being off the road every now and then smile
Woo and, indeed, hoo.

Looks like it all works then...
COOL!!!!!!!!!!! So what games you play, gw wise??? and what armies?

I'm a sworn follower of Nurgle in both WH and 40K or at least i will be in WH once my army is done, right now i just have a warband!
Test - please ignore

[Edited to remove broken image...]
Testing shiny new phone an the SG journal update system. Hopefully there will be a lot more of these in the future.

[Edit - I guess e-mailing pictures needs some work still... deleted a bunch of gibberish from here...]
Time for a new entry... so what's been happening?

New rulebook - that's all the entire departent have been working on in the last 4 weeks. Fortunately, I get to go back to the LotR project tomorrow which has kind of fallen by the wayside - it'll be good to get back to something smaller that I can manage myself again for a while.

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Why can't I go to bed at a reasonable time? Why do I feel the need to stay up unil stupid o'clock (currently 4:32), sleep for hours and feel really shitty when I wake up??

If anyone ever catches me on here when I should be in bed, tell me to get the hell off and get some sleep...
Those sweets rock! Thanks for the link smile
As for the sleep thing, im exactly the same!
Hey thanks for the cool down link in the mac forum.LOL
it was great.I wasn't trying to be a dick but the kid that posted about his ipod was a dick to me and didn't have the sack to post it in the forum,instead he e-mailed me.