Beth's bday is tomorrow, wish her a good one people! She'll be the big 2-4 Woo Hoo!!! One more year to cheaper car insurance, Fuck Yeah! We're going out to this kick ass japanese restaurant called Benihanas (i doubt that is how you spell it..) Anyway, nothing is better then a restaurant that cooks it's food right in front of you. But I'm outta time cuz we're getting ready to leave. Until next time, here is something to comtemplate.......
"Why does Jesus look like Usama bin Laden???"
(your thoughts should follow)
"Why does Jesus look like Usama bin Laden???"
(your thoughts should follow)

i dunno why they both look alike but they're both gross so i don't wanna think about it....please spank your honeybunny 24 times for me, dude

put up more pics!!!