so it's offical, i will be working on my new set. the concept of the set is to be in my chemical suit, gas mask and all. and i'm working on a new tattoo idea, where i add to my german collage on my entire right arm. i'm planning on getting the upper arm tattooed completly, as too be the colors and likeness of the German Flag. and the lower arm will be the Bavarian Flag, cuz that is where my family is from, then on the elbow, i am getting the Iron Cross, and already on the back of my arm is says Blut & Ehre which means Blood and Honor. Let me know what you think.
Next Question is:
If jesus came up too you....What would YOU Do?
Next Question is:
If jesus came up too you....What would YOU Do?
.......and i can't wait to see the new ink
if jesus came up to me....what would I do? hmm....But yes Jesus is a Terrorist, Communist, Beard-wearing, sandle-sporting gov't overthrowing psycho....but what would I do? If jesus came up to me, I'd probably ask him for a change of underwear.