Will I ever reach the destination real point of life and existence and a never ending central point of spewing atoms and energy and photons and quantum warmth hard down in the essence of what we determine to be life. It is all our goals to once become the purest form of being without memory and to have no memory. We will all become this same state regardless of how we live our physical lives as well as the leaves here that will soon become devoid of observational life but their atoms are consumed by the cosmic wonder . You me, a lion a cheetah a rat and a cat and a baby and an elephant and a fly and a bug and a rose and poppy and the wind and the sea and the rocks and the same and the heat and the ice and the warmth and the light and the darkness.
We are all to become the same and our actions are to be welded into to one beautiful sky regardless of hate and fear.
That sky will exist for eternity and there will be no knowledge or memory of hate or death or love or actions but the essence love will conquer many because in oneness it will all exist on a linear plain of wonder.
We will not know this but in the atoms that remain the comfort is that all will exist in this calm state and wonder. Truly calm, truly without life but encompassing all previous life.
Do not be afraid