Ash grey dust waits me on my first day how did I get here and why am in the first person on this planet but it feels good I miss the old life but this is a new beginning travelling wonder amazement over journeys for a destination through many systems of planetary to where it all began I know that from this day forth I have to forget being human and family and venture out on to this new nebular world with colours and horizons that I’d never set eyes on before. What I called bright has no comparison to this brightness and what I had understood to be a spectrum with my eyes is completely beyond comparison. I am devolving as a human on this day one and need to relearn to what life and meaning and feeling and emotion and memory and casting and creating and living and loving and memory and life if life means the same anymore. It doesn’t matter because after today, the day one it is likely I will have no memory of what it was like to exist before. I can only progress in the beauty that I see and the bright horiZon in front of me. Never before will I experience the old emotions and feelings but I am content in this new wonder and new imagination.
I look down at my foot now covered in ash grey dust, I take my first step and previous memory of existence is instantly erased. I am not afraid