- on Song Title Game... Side B. in silliness
- on the person above you got arrested! what for!? in silliness
- on Song Title Game... Side B. in silliness
- on Favorite Mug and or Tumbler in coffee & tea
- on What are you watching right at this second?! in Television
- on What are you watching right at this second?! in Television
I love this natural phenomenon… although granted it means rain is on the way.
It also affirms my belief that what is happening in the sky may determine your future down below.
So look up once in a while, clouds are cool.
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I see visions of people everywhere but often more present in clouds .
To fade away. Like the sunset.
I’d like to commemorate a man who never got to live, cradling his newborn.
If all known life is composed of particles formed from one central source could it be that our consciousness is really an awareness and historic observational memory on events that occurred billions of years ago. It explains why no one can really govern their future or their past because it already happened a long long time ago.
The universe and its infinite wonder is predetermined visible without nearby interference.
In reality, the vision of wonder is obscured by the candy floss of life’s troubles being pulled apart in front of our eyes.
If we wait long enough, the universe will become clear once more. Like the night sky.
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it
If I please
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
So this...
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I hate it, I love it. I feel content in the sadness that creeps into every pore of my being.
The love of sadness is a feeling I cannot escape.
The sadness that invaded my waking hours into sleep from early steps.
The sadness I know that will never leave my soul as I draw my last.
The sadness that I take on exiting every
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Tiredness kills my emotions, I really am so tired . Go out tired, eat tired . Live life love lost tired
When will life end or will I become less tied to being tired . Becoming tired never planned but old age creeps on me like an alarm clock.
will I become less tired or carry on.
I don’t want to fall asleep or let myself be the person with dark thoughts or let the dark part of my self take over how I am feeling. I am scared to let that side of me take control of how I am thinking and feeling. It is almost as if I am scared of the side of myself that has negative, critical and...
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I see two body shapes on the floor I think they are plastic dummies but then maybe children playing a game. As I cross the street I can hear the sound of pain and worry as the age of the faces become clear these people have life experience beyond mine and those around.. offering to help despite no wanting the blood is clear that distress...
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Tired so tired warmth to end the afternoon running and walking and waiting and being through London’s rainy streets empty in there amazement of wonder I keep walking from west to east and seeing the banky’s and under the Barbican sky once held in such domain under grey skies walking and walking and walking seeing from north to west to east finally , ending up...
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Will I ever reach the destination real point of life and existence and a never ending central point of spewing atoms and energy and photons and quantum warmth hard down in the essence of what we determine to be life. It is all our goals to once become the purest form of being without memory and to have no memory. We will all become this
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Ash grey dust waits me on my first day how did I get here and why am in the first person on this planet but it feels good I miss the old life but this is a new beginning travelling wonder amazement over journeys for a destination through many systems of planetary to where it all began I know that from this day forth I...
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